Analysis of Knowledge for Prevention of COVID-19 Infection Among Dental Practitioners


Bilal Aslam, Khalid Basheer, Muhammad Yasir, Marium Faiz

Introduction: COVID-19 is basically a medium size RNA virus and the nucleic acid is about 30 kb long, positive in sense, single stranded and polyadenylated. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to analyse the knowledge of guidelines for prevention of COVID-19 infection among dental practitioners and its plausible impact on future dentistry. Material and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore during 2020. This study aimed to analyse the knowledge of guidelines for prevention of COVID-19 infection among dental practitioners. This study was done through systematically designed questionnaire. This survey analysis was conducted among dental students and professionals. The data was collected from 100 participants, who are willing to participate in this study. Results: The data was collected from 120 participants. This data consist of both dental students and professionals. There are 68 (56.7%) female and 52 (43.3%) male participants. Out of 120, 88 (73.3%) are dental professionals and 32 (26.7%) are dental students. According to respondents, there are different sources of information for COVID-19. Social media is the main source of information (46.7%), television (26.7%), others (15.8%) and print media (10.8%). There are different sources of transmission, aerosols and droplets, contact with human fluids and contact with contaminated surface. Conclusion: It is concluded that COVID-19 directly effect on future of dentistry. Dental health care personnel need to understand the implications of potential transmission of the (SARS)-CoV-2 virus in a clinical setup.

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