Anti-Diabetic Activity of Bee Pollen Dry Extract Standardized In Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats


Annaas Budi Setyawan52811*, Andri Praja Satria52812, Enos Tangke Arung52813 and Swandari Paramita52814

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by increased levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia). Diabetes mellitus can be treated by natural product such as bee pollen. Natural products, including bee products are particularly appreciated by consumers and are used for therapeutic purposes as alternative drugs. However, it is not known whether treatments with bee products are safe and how to minimise the health risks of such products. Among others, bee pollen is a natural product promoted as a valuable source of nourishing substances and energy. The health-enhancing value of bee pollen is expected due to the presence wide range of secondary plant metabolites (tocopherol, niacin, thiamine, biotin and folic acid, polyphenols, carotenoid pigments, phytosterols), besides bee pollen also contains enzymes and co-enzymes. Especially bee pollen has anti-diabetic activity. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of variant doses of bee pollen dry extract formulation on blood glucose levels. The experiment was conducted in vivo using experimental animals i.e., diabetic rats (Mus musculus L) were induced alloxan. Blood glucose levels were determined at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h respectively using a glucometer. Bee pollen dry extract dose administered orally, at 10 mg/20 g BB, 20 mg/20 g BB, and 40 mg/20 g BB. The result is that the three dose dry extract bee pollen can decrease blood glucose levels significantly. The therapeutic effect was optimal at dose of 10 mg/20 g BB and 20 mg/20 g BB.

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