
A.G. Penhoyan, G.A. Penzhoyan, V.M. Pokrovsky, S.K. Akhedzhak-Naguze, Y.V. Kashina, V.G. Abushkevich, I.L. Cherednik.

Research objective: evaluate the functional state of men after a radical laparotomic prostatectomy by integrative indices
Materials and methods. 100 men were under observation (50 for prostate cancer and 50 for the comparison group). Before and after treatment in urological department No.2 of Regional Clinical Hospital No.2, doctors used integral objective physiological methods (variability of heart rhythm and sample of cardio-respiratory synchronism), only with the consent of patients. According to the parameters of cardio-respiratory synchronism: synchronization range, duration of synchronization development at the minimum boundary of the range was determined by the index of regulatory and adaptive status, and by this index the regulatory and adaptive capacity was determined. According to the questionnaires, the international erectile function index was subjectively evaluated) Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out using parametric statistical methods after the normal distribution of the variant using programs was established: "STATISTICA 10".
Results. A week after hospital discharge, patients with radical prostatectomy, compared to healthy subjects, the synchronization range was 46.4% less, the duration of synchronization development at the minimum range boundary was 24.4% more, the regulatory and adaptive status index was 57.0% less, the regulatory and adaptive capacity was "satisfactory", while in control subjects it was "good". In terms of variability of heart rhythm in healthy persons there was optimal activity of regulation systems. Functionality was high, reactions to various influences were well expressed, and loads were easily transferred. Availability of significant reserves was determined. Reflex effects prevailed over humoral-metabolic ones. A week after hospital discharge, patients with radical prostatectomy the state of overvoltage was observed by parameters of heart rhythm variability. Insufficiency of protective and adaptive mechanisms of the organism on influence of external environment factors. Functional capabilities were reduced.
Conclusion. Parameters of cardiac respiration synchronism, index of regulatory and adaptive status and regulatory capabilities, along with the results of cardiac rhythm variability, along with the data of urofluometry and evaluation of erectile function reflect the consequences of radical prostatectomy performed by laparotomy access with nerve saving result and when nerve saving does not occur.

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