
Fatemeh Zali42715, Sakineh Erabi42716, Elham Akhtari42717 and Najmeh Bagheriani42718*

Objective: Dysmenorrhea denotes the pain associated with menstrual cycles, which is often felt in the lower abdomen. It is typically characterized by a cramping nature and is a highly common gynecological problem with negative impacts on various aspects of the life of the patient. The complications of the current treatments encourage inquiry into alternative therapies.

Methods: This paper examines dysmenorrhea from the perspective of Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis), a famous physician of the 10th-11th century AD, based on his eminent book “al-Tasrif” and some reference books of traditional Persian medicine. We also examined dysmenorrhea and some alternative therapies from the perspective of conventional medicine as found on the PubMed database and Google scholar search engine.

Results: According to Al-Zahrawi, the causes of dysmenorrhea include vessels narrowing, blood hyperviscosity, and tense swelling of the blood flow path.

The treatment works through exercise, reduced food intake, daily bath, and the use of certain herbal remedies.

Conclusion: According to Al-Zahrawi, a modification in some of the Setteh-e-Zarurieah or the six essentials (i.e., six fundamental principles of life, including sleep and consciousness, eating and drinking, movement and rest, retention and evacuation, air and water, and emotional and mental states) and the use of specific medicinal plants can contribute to dysmenorrhea prevention and treatment. Some of these herbs have been examined and tested in recent years. Other treatments, which have not been assessed yet, are suggested to be studied in clinical trials.

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