Educational Training Using Transmitted Light Device on Nurses? Performance and Pain among Children Undergoing Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation


Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey, Amal A. Abd El Salam, Hidaia Morshid M. Amer, Reda Elfeshawy

Background: Peripheral intravenous cannulation is frequently required for hospitalized children. Fluid supplements and administration of medication are mainly dependent on vascular access.
Aim: Evaluate educational training using transmitted light device on nurses’ performance and pain among children undergoing peripheral intravenous cannulation Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to conduct the study. Setting: The study was conducted at Pediatric Medical Departments of Benha University Hospital. Sample: A convenience sample of all available pediatric nurses (48) and (50) children received an intravenous cannula insertion at the time of the study. Tools: 1. Structured interview questionnaire for nurses to assess socio-demographic characteristics of the studied nurses, pediatric nurses' knowledge and observational checklist for nurse's performance.2. Structured interview questionnaire for children to assesses socio-demographic characteristics, medical history of studied children and Oucher pain rating scale.
Results: A highly statistically significant difference observed between the studied nurses total knowledge and performance regarding to intravenous cannula insertion at pre- and post-intervention P= (<0.001) and 68.0% of children in study group had mild pain level, while more than half (56.0%) of control group had severe pain level.
Conclusions: The implementation of educational training using transmitted light device had significantly improve nurses’ knowledge and performance and reduce pain level among children undergoing peripheral intravenous cannulation.
Recommendations: Application of transmitted light device for hospitalized children undergoing peripheral intravenous cannulation. Implementation of educational training would allow pediatric nurses using transmitted light device for hospitalized children undergoing peripheral intravenous cannulation

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