Expression of Nutmeg Seed Extract in Integral Membrane Protein and Synaptic Vesicle: Younger Vs Aging


Fifi Veronica, Lulu L. Fitri, A. Rizal Ganiem, Ambrosius P., Hanna Gunawan, Unang Supratman, Ronny Lesmana

Introduction: Claudins and occludins proteins are the integral membrane protein which play as a critical role to maintain barrier properties of blood brain barrier (BBB). Large number of mitochondria in BBB regulate the presynaptic transport vesicle via endocytic and exocytic protein, synapsin and synaptophysin. Previous study stated, PGC-1α as central regulator of biogenesis mitochondria increased significanly in dopaminergic neuron. Based on our previous study, we discovered the potential effect of NuSE in BBB genes expression in younger and aging as aged changes. We also find out the NuSE effect to transport brain vesicle through Synapsin Synaptophysin and BDNF genes expression. The role of NuSE to maintain integrity BBB may prove to be a greatimportance in brain drug deliveryMethod: Twenty-eightrats, 11-12 weeks old male Rattus novergicus, randomly devide:14 rats for younger rats and 14 for design to be older rats. Younger rats group divide into control group without NuSE and treatment group with 6,8 mg/day NuSE, for 12 weeks period via gavage. Meanwhile the rest rats (14 rats), continue carrying with normal feeding and drinking mineral water ad lib until they reach 80 weeks old, we called they are aging group. After 80 weeks old, all the aging rats were divide into control group without given NuSE (7 rats/group ) and treatment group (7 rats/group) which given NuSE the same protocols with the younger group.Result: In aging treatment NuSEgroup, Claudin and Occludin genes expression significantly higher. Claudin gene expression higher 2.4fold with p=0.00002. Occludin gene expression also higher 1.4 fold with p <0.05 . In younger treatment group, BDNFgene expression higher 1.2 fold, p <0.05. The NuSE enrichment also tended stimulate the level of genes expression Synapsin and synaptophysin in both young and aging, although not significant in statistic.Conclusion: Nutmeg Seed Extract (NuSE) effected maintain integrity of Claudin and Occludin in aging blood brain barrier and also potentially play a role in modulating synaptic transmission both.

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