High Neutrophils/ lymphocyte ratio and MPO levels associated with low expression of miRNA-146a and apolipoprotein E in Type2 diabetic patients with atherosclerosis



Background: Atherosclerosis is the chronic vascular inflammatory disease. Recent studies have showed that microRNA (miR)146a may serve to resolve the inflammation in atherosclerosis. However, the mechanisms by which miR146a exhibits its ant-inflammatory effects still unclear. Objective: To investigated the role of miR146a in type 2 DM with atherosclerosis and type 2DM only and its association with Apo E and other inflammatory markers .Methods: 100 participants were enrolled in this study: 40 Type 2 DM with Atherosclerosis(T2DM with ATHR), 30 type 2 DM group and 30 control group. Complete blood count parameters were assayed within tubes containing K2EDTA using hematology analyzer. Levels of ApoE, MPO and IL-6 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Levels of circulating miR-146a was measured by quantitative PCR. The data were analyzed by using SPPS and a P< 0.05 is considered a statistically significant. Results: T2DM with ATHER group showed an increase in N/L ratio (PË‚ 0.05) compared with control. MOP and Apo E and levels were observed to increase significantly in T2DM with ATHER group, while levels of IL 6 showed a significant increase in T2DM with ATHER and T2DM groups compared to the control. Decreased levels of miR146a expression was indicated in T2DM with ATHER group compared with other groups. Conclusion: The results suggest lower levels of miR-146a expression and Apo E levels negatively regulate inflammatory response in T2DM with ATHER which enhance the inflammation and atherosclerosis


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