How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.


case study, airline recovery, Malaysia

The aim about this study is to explore the causes of airline recovery in Malaysia. Airline industry is one of the most competitive and strongest industries in the world. The speed of air traveling and the fall of real prices have made the air traveling increased in market share of passenger transport. Furthermore, the fatalities and the long term safety record of air traveling are way better than any other modes of transportation. One of the most controversial airlines in Asia, Malaysian Airline System (MAS), has been praised and criticized in equal measures. Malaysia Airlines' humble origins began in the golden age of travel in 1937. By the end of 1947, once known as Malayan Airways had engaged in an expansion exercise to cater to the growing needs of a growing nation. Within three months, the company broke the borders of domestic service to offer flights to neighborhood countries. A year after the Independence of Malaya in 1957, Malayan Airways took the next step in becoming part of the new corporate scene in Malaysia and was launched as a public limited company. The advancement continues to the acquisition of an 82-seater Briston Britania in 1960 made mass transport by air a reality. This led to the first international non-stop service for MAL, which operated directly between Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.

How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

Yajid MSA, Indang , Khatibi A. How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. SRP. 2020; 11(1): 843-851.

Web Style

Yajid MSA, Indang , Khatibi A. How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. [Access: March 29, 2021]. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Yajid MSA, Indang , Khatibi A. How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. SRP. 2020; 11(1): 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Yajid MSA, Indang , Khatibi A. How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. SRP. (2020), [cited March 29, 2021]; 11(1): 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

Harvard Style

Yajid, M. S. A., Indang, . & Khatibi, . A. (2020) How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. SRP, 11 (1), 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

Turabian Style

Yajid, Mohd Shukri Ab, Indang, and Ali Khatibi. 2020. How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (1), 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

Chicago Style

Yajid, Mohd Shukri Ab, Indang, and Ali Khatibi. "How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (2020), 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Yajid, Mohd Shukri Ab, Indang, and Ali Khatibi. "How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11.1 (2020), 843-851. Print. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Yajid, M. S. A., Indang, . & Khatibi, . A. (2020) How Malaysian Airlines Recovered? An Exploration.. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (1), 843-851. doi:10.5530/srp.2020.1.107

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