Identification of Sexual Behavior in Community at Risk of Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection


Aisyah Rachmadani Putri Gofur, Taufan Bramantoro, Retno Palupi.

Background: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that commonly associated with malignancy in the oral cavity. Most deaths from head and neck cancer are caused by HPV. The virus can infect the oral cavity due to the sexual behavior of male homosexuals.
Objective: To identify sexual behavior in communities at risk for HPV infection in the oral cavity based on age, sex, education level, occupation, HIV status, marital status, and social support.
Method: This was an observational cross-sectional analytic study conducted in Surabaya with sample criteria of individuals who are homosexuals. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and patient medical records to see HIV status.
Results: There were 70 samples, 53 people having sexual intercourse with the same gender and 17 people having sex with the same gender and the opposite gender. Individuals in this study tended to have good sexual knowledge, supportive attitudes for risky sexual intercourse and high-risk actions when having sexual relations, such as changing partners, not using contraception, doing sex more than once a day and doing oral and anal sex when having sex. Sex, marital status, HIV status, occupational status, education level, and individual social support contributed to shaping individual behavior during sexual intercourse.
Conclusion: There are factors that have a great contribution to form sexual behavior. In this study, occupational status is a one of contributing factor which can form the sexual behavior because, in this study, most of the respondents were sex workers so they had high-risk sexual behavior.

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