Impacts of the Alcoholic Extract and Essential Oil of Thymus vulgaris L. Against the Causative Agent of Acne Formation (Staphylococcus aureus)


Rasha Kareem Mohammed, Farkad Hawas Musa, Bashaer Yasein Mehdi, Ali Mohammed Al-Rawe.

Medicinal plant life have performed an integral role in the development of human lifestyle being used as resources for the manufacturing of contemporary medicines, antibiotics. Microorganisms are responsible for many issues in industry and remedy because of biofilm formation. This study aimed to take a look at the results of Thymus vulgaris alcoholic extract on Staphylococcus aureus the causative marketers of acne in human particularly the women. The extract was acquired mixing 25 g of Thyme powder with 350 ml of 80% ethanol for 6 hours at 40°. Antimicrobial activities of the plant extract and integral oil towards the S. aureus were decided using the agar diffusion technique. The consequences proven that special concentrations of alcoholic extract (5, 10, 15 mg/ml) prompted accelerated diameters of bacterial boom inhibition zones (20, 40, 27.7, and 30 mm respectively) as compared to the control (20mm). Increased diameters of inhibition zones (20.6, 32.33, 22 mm) have been additionally determined in response to remedy with extraordinary concentrations of plants crucial oil (0.5, 1.5, and 2 p.c respectively) in evaluation to the manage (0.0%). The inhibitory consequences of the extracts and vital oil had been directly correlated to their concentration. Two an fascinating end result bought in this study that alcoholic extract showed superior antibacterial exercise against the examined gram-positive bacterium than thyme oil. Two According to the workable of T. Vulgaris extracts to inhibit the tested bacteria, it can be suggested that these extracts can be applied as antimicrobial retailers towards the effects of pathogenic bacteria specifically acne formation.

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