Influence of the Experience of Health-Improving Jogging on the Level of Functional Activity of Platelets in Men of the Second Mature Age


Medvedev Ilya Nikolaevich, Gusev Alexey Vitalievich, Malyshev Andrey Valentinovich, Mikhailova Olga Dmitrievna, Garina Evgeniya Vladimirovna, Petina Elmira Shamilevna, Tagirova Naida Dzhamaldinovna

Modern science is paying more and more attention to the study of the effect of regular physical activity on platelet activity.  The study involved 102 clinically healthy  men  of  the  second  mature  age,  which  made  up  4  groups:  the  control group -physically  untrained  (23  people)  and  3  observation  groups  who  did daily  jogging for 30  minutes a  day.  Observation group  1 (26 people) trained for 1 year.  Observation group 2 (28 people) trained for 3 years.  Observation group  3  (25  people)  had  5  years  of  daily  running  experience.    The  average volume of platelets, their aggregation activity in response to 2.5, 5, and 10 μM ADP and the content of GP IIb-IIIa and GP Ib on their surface were evaluated.  With  increasing  experience  of  regular  physical  training,  athletes  found  a decrease in platelet aggregation in response to all tested ADP concentrations, a decrease in the average platelet size and a decrease in the expression of GP IIb-IIIa  and  GP  Ib.    The  found  significant  correlation  between  the  average volume of platelets, on the one hand, and the activity of their aggregation and the  number  of  GP  IIb-IIIa  and  GP  Ib  receptors  on  their  surface,  on  the  other hand, was more pronounced in athletes.  Functionally beneficial changes in the morphological  and  functional  properties  of  platelets,  increasing  with  the increase in the length of regular jogging in the second adulthood, are another confirmation  of  the  need  for  a  massive  increase  in  physical  activity  in  the second half of ontogenesis

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