Pharmaceutical and Analytical Study of Gandharva Haritaki Prepared by Murchhit and Amurchhit Erand Tail and Comparative Assessment for Invitro Bio-Accessibility


Anjali S Katore55146, Anita Wanjari55147*, Bharat Rathi55149, Mujahid Khan55150 and Makrand Sonare55151

Introduction: Murchhana (the processing of base oil before it is used in preparation) is a specific Sneha (oil) process that is required for Sneha Paka (oil processing). Murchhanais used to get rid of Sneha’s Amadosha (early rancidity factor), which has pharmacological and therapeutic implications. It also improves the Sneha’s bio accessibility.

Aim and objective: Pharmaceutical and Analytical Study of Gandharva Haritaki (GH) prepared by Murchhita Erand Tail (MET) and Amurchhita Erand Tail (AET) and comparative assessment for in vitro bio accessibility. Materials and methods: During the preparation of the pharmaceutical study, special attention was paid to Paka Lakshanas of Sneha (i.e. stage detection of oil formulation completion), and in the analytical study, both samples were subjected to physicochemical analysis such as refractive index, specific gravity, saponification value, acid value, unsaponifiable matter, iodine value, and peroxide value.

Observation and results: Physicochemical and organoleptic features of Murchhit Erand Talia (MET) and Amurchhita Erand Talia (AET) and Gandharva Haritaki (GH) made by Murchhit and Amurchhita Erand Talia (MandAET) will be studied. The conclusions will be reached based on observations and the application of appropriate tests. It will be recorded and presented in the form of a table and charts, among other things.

Conclusion: Sneha Murchhana idea improves the scent, aroma, and stability of Sneha Kalpa, as well as 204the efficacy of Sneha Kalpa, by absorbing the active components included in the Murchhana Dravyas.

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