Relationship between Blood Homocystein Level and Acute Stroke in Patients of Al-Muthanna ProvinceIraq


Asaad Adil Mnaather, Haider Ali Hussien, Ali Abdulkarim Talib.

Background and purpose: Homocysteine is a toxic, sulfur-containing intermediate of methionine metabolism. Elevated blood homocystein, as a result from a consequence of impair metabolism or defect in co-factors that participate in recycling, regarded as independent risk factors for stroke. The goal of this study to measure blood homocystein level within 24 hours from acute stroke and its relation with recurrence also to compare homocystein levels between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
Methods: this study was a cross-sectional hospital-based study, done from July(2019) –January( 2020) consisting of 100 Iraqi acute stroke patients whose are selected randomly from neurological ward in AL-Muthanna teaching hospital, on patients aged (50-80)years. Fasting homocystein level assessed within 24 hours after acute stroke.
Results: Male:Female ratio 1.2:1 and mean age 64.7±11.699. The mean total plasma homocystein level was (20±6.2), the total plasma homocystein level was significantly elevated in ischemic stroke patients (P value <0.0001) than hemorrhagic or TIA stroke types.
Recurrent stroke was mostly prevalent in those with intermediate total plasma homocystein (90.9%) while (9.1%) of those had moderate homocystein level.
Conclusion: this study confirmed that elevated homocystein level regard as independent risk factors for stroke and important factor for recurrent stroke that need to be involved in secondary stroke prevention.

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