Achmad Faqih
The characteristics of farmers are a picture that reflects the individual's situation in his life as a member of a farmer group, as the head of the family and as a member of the household, and also as a farming business actor in cultivating his arable land. The factors that support these characteristics include: age, level of education, farming business experience, area of arable land, and farmer income. The object of research is farmers with a population of 161 and a sample of 60 farmers who were became respondents, using quantitative methods and questionnaires as a tool to find out information from respondents. The data used are primary and secondary data. The analytical method used is the Spearman Rank correlation test simultaneously, and the Spearman Rank correlation test partially. The results showed that: (1) F-test results showed that the variables of age (X1), education (X2), farming business experience (X3), and land area (X4) were simultaneously related to the application of soybean plant technology (Y), with the value of Fcount 75.981> from Ftable 2.53 at the value of sig. of 0,000. The variables of age, education, farming business experience, and land area have a correlation value of 0.896, it means that there is a very strong relationship simultaneously to the application of soybean plant technology, (2) the test results on the partial relationship obtained results, namely: (a) The age variable has a partial relationship to the application of soybean plant technology, with the results of the analysis of Tcount> Ttable which is 6,610> 1,681 at sig.t 0,000, (b) Teh educational variables have a partial relationship to the application of soybean plant technology, with the results of the analysis of Tcount> Ttable which is 4,510> 1,681 at sig.t 0,000, (c) The farming business experience variable has a partial relationship to the application of soybean plant technology, with the results of the analysis of Tcount> Ttable that is 2.601> 1.681 at sig.t value of 0,000, and (d) The relationship between land area variables shows that the land area variable has a partial relationship to the application of soybean plant technology, with the results of the analysis of Tcount> Ttable which is 6.791> 1.681 at sig.t 0,000.