Research and development of renewable energy: Prototype of LED street lighting from solar energy


Somsanguan Passago, Chonlada Yodying, Wiroon Monatrakul, Toansakul Tony Santiboon.

To investigate the model of streetlight and electricity generation from solar cells in Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University were invented. The electricity set by 30-Watt 120 mm.-length- LED streetlamps.  The solar panels included solar cell of 80 Watts with 12 V 45 Ah batteries. The automatic lighting control system consisted of the height of electricity poles as 6 meters, settling on the 6 meter-width – the street in 6 areas (A – F zones).  Distance between each pole is 13 meters of 60 poles. The solar cell panels are able to generate average voltage value ranged from 12.06 – 14.08 Volt and the charging ability into the battery was 0.79 – 4.72 Amps. The LED’s average voltage value was 10.04 - 11.95 Volts, and the electricity flow through the LED light was 0.18 – 1.22 Amps. Moreover, the average luminance was 186 – 340 Lux and the research also found that the quantities of solar cell energy storage was higher than the energy consumption which could be concluded that there are enough energy for the LED during the night-time.  A rapid return on investment and added benefits due to energy savings through LEDs and needs-based light adjustment are determined. A contribution towards the goals of “Clean Power” and “Vision Zero”, continental combines LED light expertise from the automotive educational institute with manufacturing experience for the high volume of production and highest quality requirements. Intelligent streetlight control improves road safety and reduces emissions.

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