Jitendra Singh Yadav59997, Sonia Pandey59998 and Arti Gupta59999*
Background: Chronic diseases account for about 59% of the 56.5 million deaths reported worldwide and 46% of the global burden of the disease. Nearly half of deaths from chronic disease are attributed to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. The present review will give an outline about the role of essential nutrients on cardiovascular health, chemistry, dose, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, risk, and discuss the evidence-based risk and management of drug interaction. The information was collected from books, and electronic search (PubMed, Science Direct, Lilca and Scielo) and PRISMA.
Discussion: Nutrient in the form of pharmaceuticals available can be used for the prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases. Adverse drug reactions, nutrients- drug interactions, and iatrogenic diseases have been identified as significant factors responsible for patient morbidity and mortality. A better understanding of these mechanisms and recent developments in laboratory technology can help assess possible drug interactions when drugs are prescribed at the same time. Increased knowledge of inter-individual variation in drug decomposition capacity and recent results related to nutrient and nutraceutical influence can be used to reduce adverse drug reactions and disease iatrogenic.
Conclusion: There is a need to enhance and foster interdisciplinary communication between medical herbalists, physicians, and dieticians. According to dieticians food may interact with conventional drugs and that drugs may affect nutritional status, in order to provide the patient with proper dietary suggestions, and to allow the maximum effectiveness and safety of drug therapy, while preserving/correcting the nutritional status.