
Rafael Miranda Pedroso42478*, Ana Iris Padrino López42479, Suleivis Gato Mesa42480 and Jorge Rogelio Rodriguez Martinez42481

Introduction: The use of certain medications in COVID-19 affects the discharge status of patients.

Objective: To relate the state of discharge, with age, condition and efficacy of protocolized medications in severe and critical patients with COVID-19.

Methods: An epidemiological, retrospective investigation was carried out in the intensive care unit of the provincial clinical surgical teaching hospital doctor León Cuervo Rubio, the universe and sample consisted of those admitted from March 2020 to July 2021, the variables were grouped in tables. According to affinity, the results were expressed by odds ratio, absolute risk reduction, in addition, the absolute and relative frequencies were estimated, the data were processed, using the statistical software MedCalc for Windows.

Results: Most of the patients were discharged alive 88 (66.67%), mortality was similar in the age groups of 70 to 79 and 80 to 89 years 12 (9.72%), the alive ones are serious 42 (34.15%), critically unstable deceased 22(17.8%), when relating the state at discharge with medications, those who receive Jusvinza have a high probability of being discharged alive 94(OR 389.400, CI-22.3484 to 6784.9271, P<0.0001), it also reduces mortality by 70.7% (CI-17.28, 694e), with a high sensitivity of 87.23% and specificity of 100%.

Conclusion: Most of the discharges are alive; the most effective medication used is Jusvinza peptide, as it increases the probability of life of patients and its positive effect on mortality.

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