Study of Candida albicans Isolated from Wounds of Type 2 Diabetes Patients after Plastic Surgery


Abdulrazzaq Abbas Waheeb, Aasem Mohamed Al-Byti, Saygin Abdulkadir Chakmakchy, Aya Ibrahim Mohammed

This study included 65 wound patients were admission in Salah ad-Din General Hospital in Tikrit during November 2017- May 2019, to determine the prevalence of C. albicans causing wound infection in DM patients after plastic surgery. Wound swabs were taken after three and six days of burn patients from the pus of the wound area , inoculated on culture media (sabouraud dextrose agar and Candida Chrome agar) and incubated aerobically for (24-48) hours at 37CËš. After incubation at 37ËšC for 48 hours the identification of yeast was preformed based on a colony colour. The method is based on the differential release of chromogenic breakdown products from various substrates by Candida species following differential exoenzyme activity. In this study, 30% of patients were overweight and 40% were obese, although the study didn’t include the relation of BMI with infection but still referred to its association. The study also viewed that maximum rate of patients were within the age group 37-46 years (40%) followed by 30% in the age group 47%-56%. Additionally, so 60% of patients were females. The C. albicans was the most isolated fugal cause of wound infection (70%) and Aspergillus was the second (30%). The presenting study revealed that C. albicans colonies appeared on sabouraud dextrose agar as white to cream, smooth and circular colonies and green colonies on CHROM agar.C. albicans was the predominant isolated fungal cause of wound infection in DM patients who admitted because plastic surgery.


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