Synthesis, identification and study antibacterial activity of new 1,2,3-triazoles derived from resorcinol using click chemistry


Zeyad Kadhim oleiwi, Hayder Kadhim Abbas, Ibtihal Kareem Mahdi

Background: Triazole has special importance in several fields such as, medicinal chemistry and drug research owing to the diversity of their biological activity from anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anticancer, enzyme inhibition and many other activities, as well as to their structural features enable them to mimic various functional groups, which justifying their wide utilize as a bioisostere for development of totally new active molecule. So from of the above facts in this work we concerned with synthesis of new triazole derivatives from resorcinol using click chemistry and studying their antibacterial activity.
Materials and methods: first of all, in our procedure we do etherfication of both phenolic hydroxyl groups of resorcinol by reaction with propargyl bromide to get 1,3-bis[(prop-2-yn-1-yl) oxy] benzene, which in turn will be reacted with azide derived from aniline in the presence of copper sulphate pentahydrate as catalyst and sodium ascorbate as stabilizer, finally the desired products have been achieved.
Result and discussion: the synthesized compounds subjected to FT-IR spectrum, 1H NMR and 13C NMR study to confirm their structures, as well as biological study against some of gram positive and gram negative bacterial species by well diffusion method in nutrient medium agar, which show that all 3 compounds have antibacterial activity especially compound (II) has broad spectrum of activity then Compound (I) and compound (III) has more antibacterial activity against gram negative species.
Conclusion: from above results of our work respecting the antibacterial activity of produced triazole compounds which show that these compounds have good activity, so more work in this field is required supported with our encouraging results.

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