The Challenges in Control COVID-19 in Injibera, Awi Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia


Alemayehu Alen

Background: In the globe, on April 2021, 130 million coronavirus cases, around 2.8 million were deaths, 102 million were recovered and 105.2 million were closed cases of COVID-19 reported. On April 2021, the world population were 7.9 billion of which United Nations estimates were 1.65% COVID-19 cases included the Ethiopia in report. The main objective of the study was identifying the challenges of in control COVID-19.

Methods: The cross-sectional study design was used November to February 2021 in Injibera from Ethiopia. The total 385 respondents using simple random sampling were interviewed. The chi-square test of association and ordinal logistic regression was applied to identify the effect of predictor variables on challenges in control COVID-19.

Results: Out of 385 respondents 277(71.95%) were high challenges in control COVID-19 in Injibera. There was a significant relationship with social media and challenges of in control virus (p-value=0.047). The variables considered social media, housing status and influence were significant relationship with challenges of in control virus (p-value <5%). Facebook users were the responsible causes of challenges in control COVID-19 (p-value=0.023). The more social media followed, decreased the occurrence of challenges in control virus. In addition, a unit increase rented, the challenges in control virus decreased by 0.60 times (p-value=0.009).

Conclusion: Winning against the coronavirus together with world couldn’t be a marathon. COVID-19 couldn’t be won without collective global and local effort. It would also need serious thinking, discipline and war against the only virus. COVID-19 war needs in control; the globe should be faced free, coordination and discover scientific methods together.

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