The Changes of Mice Reproductive Hormones (Mus musculus) Caused by Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Skin Extract


Melyana Nurul Widyawati, Soeharyo Hadisaputro, Ari Suwondo.

Background. The population in Indonesia has been increasing from 2016 to 2018 and will continue to increase in 2019. The efforts of the Indonesian government to reduce the rate of population growth by establishing a family planning program for couples of childbearing age with the most widely used methods are injections and pills. However, the acceptor of birth control pills risk 17.2 times to cause hypertension, so it is necessary to develop alternative contraceptives. Mangosteen peel extract contains compounds that can inhibit the fertilization process.
Objective. This study aims to determine the effect of mangosteen peel extract on the process of folliculogenesis in female mice.
Methods. This study is a true experimental study with a post-test only - control group design. Mice were divided into five groups, the negative control group; a positive control group was mice given the combined contraceptive pill; group treated with three different doses of group, P1 was given mangosteen peel extract 9.8 mg / day; P2 was given mangosteen peel extract 19.6 mg / day; P3 was given mangosteen peel extract 39.2 mg / day for 21 days. Each group consists of 6 mice.
Results: This study shows that giving mangosteen peel extract at a dose of 9.8; 19.6 and 39.2 mg / 20 gBB had no effect on Luitenizing Hormone levels estradiol levels, progesterone levels (� = 0.172, 0.195, 0.260).
Conclusion: It can be conclude that mangosteen peel extract had no effect on reproductive hormones.

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