The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium


Dovy Djanas, Syahredi, Bobby Indra Utama, Roza Sriyanti, Syntia Ambelina, Try Genta Utama, Heri Farnas, Calvindra Leenesa, Zulfia Wahyuni, Ricvan Dana Nindrea

Magnesium treatment during pregnancy can increase the quality of pregnancy and fetus. This study was performed to determine the effect of magnesium supplements among pregnant women with hypomagnesemia and normal magnesium. This study was experimental with a pre-test and post-test control group design. A total of 90 pregnant women who regularly take control of maternal and child health polyclinic, Primary Health Care, Padang City, Indonesia. The sample was composed of three groups (hypomagnesemia, normal magnesium in interventional groups, and normal magnesium in the control group). The intervention group with supplementation of magnesium 365 mg/ day during pregnancy starting at 22 weeks to 36 weeks. The control group received Fe tablets 180 mg/ day at the same time as the intervention group. In the third trimester of pregnancy blood samples were taken for examination of post-intervention magnesium in all groups. A paired sample T-test was used for statistical analysis. A p-value <0.05 was described as statistically significant. Data were processed by SPSS version 20.0. There were 33.3% of subjects with hypomagnesemia before magnesium supplementation, but after magnesium supplementation, there were 12.2%. In the normal magnesium in interventional groups, there was an increase in the number of subjects with normal magnesium from 66.7% to 87.8%. The highest elevated magnesium levels in the hypomagnesemia intervention group (0.34 mg/dl) compared to the intervention in the normal magnesium group (0.29 mg/dl). There was an effect of magnesium supplements among pregnant women with hypomagnesemia (p<0.05). This study confirmed the effect of magnesium supplements among pregnant women with hypomagnesemia.

How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

Djanas D, Syahredi , Utama BI, Sriyanti R, Ambelina S, Utama TG, Farnas H, Leenesa C, Wahyuni Z, Nindrea RD. The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. SRP. 2021; 12(1): 520-525.

Web Style

Djanas D, Syahredi , Utama BI, Sriyanti R, Ambelina S, Utama TG, Farnas H, Leenesa C, Wahyuni Z, Nindrea RD. The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. [Access: March 29, 2021]. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Djanas D, Syahredi , Utama BI, Sriyanti R, Ambelina S, Utama TG, Farnas H, Leenesa C, Wahyuni Z, Nindrea RD. The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. SRP. 2021; 12(1): 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Djanas D, Syahredi , Utama BI, Sriyanti R, Ambelina S, Utama TG, Farnas H, Leenesa C, Wahyuni Z, Nindrea RD. The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. SRP. (2021), [cited March 29, 2021]; 12(1): 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

Harvard Style

Djanas, D., Syahredi, ., Utama, . B. I., Sriyanti, . R., Ambelina, . S., Utama, . T. G., Farnas, . H., Leenesa, . C., Wahyuni, . Z. & Nindrea, . R. D. (2021) The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. SRP, 12 (1), 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

Turabian Style

Djanas, Dovy, Syahredi, Bobby Indra Utama, Roza Sriyanti, Syntia Ambelina, Try Genta Utama, Heri Farnas, Calvindra Leenesa, Zulfia Wahyuni, and Ricvan Dana Nindrea. 2021. The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (1), 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

Chicago Style

Djanas, Dovy, Syahredi, Bobby Indra Utama, Roza Sriyanti, Syntia Ambelina, Try Genta Utama, Heri Farnas, Calvindra Leenesa, Zulfia Wahyuni, and Ricvan Dana Nindrea. "The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12 (2021), 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Djanas, Dovy, Syahredi, Bobby Indra Utama, Roza Sriyanti, Syntia Ambelina, Try Genta Utama, Heri Farnas, Calvindra Leenesa, Zulfia Wahyuni, and Ricvan Dana Nindrea. "The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12.1 (2021), 520-525. Print. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Djanas, D., Syahredi, ., Utama, . B. I., Sriyanti, . R., Ambelina, . S., Utama, . T. G., Farnas, . H., Leenesa, . C., Wahyuni, . Z. & Nindrea, . R. D. (2021) The Effect of Magnesium Supplement among Pregnant Women with Hypomagnesemia and Normal Magnesium. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (1), 520-525. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.1.75

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