The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience


Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat.

The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the effect of the implementation of the earthquake and tsunami information utilization policy on the economic resilience of the people of Sukabumi Regency. Research respondents were the people of Sukabumi Regency, from January to March 2020. The research method used was a quantitative descriptive method with a correlational study. The number of samples was 30 people who were randomly assigned. The data collection tool used was a behavioral scale questionnaire for variable X and with the type of behavior scale also from Likert for variable Y. All instruments were tested for their validity and reliability levels at a significance level of 0.95 or 0.05%. To complete the test requirements Hypothesis, a pre-requisite test for data analysis was performed, namely the normality and linearity test. For the normality of each variable, variable X gets a result of 0.0954 and variable Y is 0.0729, which when compared to L table of 0.1610 turns out to be both larger, so that both can be declared normally distributed. For the Linearity Test between the two variables yields Ŷ = 38.68 + 0.51X, F counts 0.6888 and F table is 2.95 with dk 28 at � = 0.05. Since F count is less than F table (0.6888 <2.95), then the regression is linear. Hypothesis testing is done by using Product Moment Correlation. From the calculation results obtained rxy of 0.6125 and r-table at a significant level of 0.05 of 0.361 so that (0.6125> 0.361) it can be concluded that there is an effect of the implementation of policies on the use of earthquake and tsunami information on the economic resilience of the people of Sukabumi Regency. determination of 0.61252 = 0.3751. Thus the contribution of variable X to Y is 37.51%. The level of significance of the influence of the two variables was carried out by using the t-test. The results of the analysis show the t - count is 4.10 with a 95% confidence level in dk (28) and t - table of 2.05. Thus t - count is more than t - table (4.10> 2.05). The comparison of the two "t" values indicates a significant effect.

How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. SRP. 2021; 12(3): 166-175. 

Web Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. [Access: March 30, 2021]. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. SRP. 2021; 12(3): 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. SRP. (2021), [cited March 30, 2021]; 12(3): 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

Harvard Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat (2021) The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. SRP, 12 (3), 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

Turabian Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. 2021. The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (3), 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

Chicago Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. "The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12 (2021), 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat. "The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12.3 (2021), 166-175. Print. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Moh. Sutisna, Sopian, Pat Kurniati, Sri Rumiat (2021) The Effect Of Policy Implementation Of Information Meteorology Climatology And Geophysics On Economic Resilience. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (3), 166-175. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.3.28

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