The Effect of Tailored Psycho-Educational Program on Pregnant Women's Anxiety and Knowledge about Self-care Management Regarding Minor Discomforts


Samah Ramadan Ibrahim El-Refaey, Rehab Mohammed Abd El-Hady, Yosr Mohamed Elmasry, Hanan Abd-Elmohdy, Hend Hassan Ali

Background: Pregnancy is a time of increased vulnerability for the development of anxiety and depression. Minor discomfort is slightly ailments of pregnancy which lead to lack of comfort and annoying rather than disabling the client.
Aim: Evaluate the effect of tailored psyco-educational program on pregnant women’s anxiety and knowledge about minor discomforts among mothers attending to Benha University hospital antenatal clinic.
Methods: A quasi-experimental design was done in September 2019 to November 2019, conducted at obstetrics & gynecological outpatient clinic in Benha university hospital, purposive sample of 59 pregnant women. Researchers used two tools as Α structured knowledge questionnaire and Zung’Ñ•-Self-Rating-Αnxiety-?…cale.
Results: mean ± SD of subjects age was 24.32±5.86, 23.7% is a higher education, 74.6% of them housewives. 11.9% of studied pregnant women had no anxiety pre- program and that results increased to reach28.8% post program, while the sever anxiety was decreased from 32.2% pre- program to 6.8% post program.
Conclusion: There was statistically significant differences of studied pregnant women regarding their knowledge about minor discomfort during pregnancy and also about anxiety pre- and post-program at p value <0.01. Also, highly significant differences of studied pregnant women regarding their Self-care management about minor discomfort during pregnancy and also about anxiety management pre- and post-program at p value <0.01. Finally, tailored psych educational program decreasing anxiety level of pregnant women, while improving their knowledge level.

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