The Therapeutic Efficacy of Physalis Alkekengi Hydro alcoholic Extract on Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Mice Model in an Autophagy Manner


Ghaith Ali Jasim, Abdolmajid Ghasemian

Objective: Physalis Alkekengi has several biological activities. Our aim was to assess the anti-cancer effect of hydro alcoholic extract of Physalis Alkekengi on the estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in mice model.Methods: Twenty-eight ER+ breast cancer BALB/c mice (four groups each including seven members) were enrolled. The P. Alkekengi hydro alcoholic extract (10, 50 and 100 mg/kg) was administered for two weeks against EGFR2 cancerous cells. The tumor size, histopathological features, and mRNA expression amount of ATG5 Autophagy-specific gene were investigated.Results: Atthetwohigherdoses(50and100mg/kg),the P. Alkekengi hydro alcoholic extract inhibitedthebreastcancergrowth. Consequently, there was a significant histopathologicalchange in the breast cancer among the groups treated with P. Alkekengicomparedtothecontrolgroup (p=0.0189). Additionally, the P. Alkekengi hydro alcoholic extract significantly enhanced the mRNA expression level of theATG5at 50 mg/kg. . Conclusions: The results of this study observed that the P. Alkekengi hydro alcoholic extract exerted a promising anti cancer effect against estrogen-positive breast cancer through induction of the Autophagy pathway though needing more exact verification

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