Dessalegn Tamiru
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Institute of health, Jimma University, Jima, EthiopiaPublications
Research Article
Effect of Educational Intervention on Modifiable Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome among Middle-Age Nekemte Populations: Quasi-Experimental Study
Author(s): Alemu Adeba47702*, Dessalegn Tamiru47703 and Tefera Belachew47704
Background: Unhealthy lifestyles are potential risks for development of metabolic syndrome; however effect of educational intervention on modifiable risk factors of metabolic syndrome did not stated in west Ethiopia. Objective: To evaluate the effect of healthy lifestyle education intervention on modifiable risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Materials and methods: A quasiexperimental design (pretest-posttest method with control group) was applied from 1st February to 30th of July, 2019 on middle-aged Nekemte populations of Western Ethiopia. Intervention group received healthy lifestyle educations while nothing given for control. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was measured at baseline and post of six month intervention. Statistical significant was described at p<0.05. Results: .. Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.12.833-839