
Roja Rani58432*, Karuna Sree P58433 and Usha Sree TS58434

Background: COVID-19 infection has become a global pandemic, and there is no specific treatment for it. To fight against the virus, a plethora of medicines are repurposed without clinical data which includes paracetamol to Steroids. During the pandemic many antibiotics, antiviral and steroidal drugs along with multivitamins were prescribed, it is crucial to identify trends of prescribing and determine rational medication use.

Methodology: It’s a retrospective observational study conducted at ESIC Medical College Hospital for a period of 3 months (August-October 2020). The data was collected from the medical records department. Demographic details of the patient, clinical information and information of drug usage was collected. Rationality of prescription assessed by using WHO core drug prescribing indicators. Data analysis was done in descriptive method by using Mean, standard deviation and percentages.

Results: Out of 100 case sheets 83 patients’ data was analyzed among which 64% were males, average age was 45 ± 11.8. Average number of drugs prescribed per encounter was eight. Drug prescribed by generic name was 65%, 78% patients received antibiotics followed by 62% injectable steroids and 42% of injectable anticoagulants, 72% of patients received injections and 71% patients received oral antibiotics. Total 14.8% of prescriptions have fixed dose combinations and the average duration of hospital stay is 8 days.

Conclusion: Due to sudden emergence of COVID-19 and lack of preparedness many drugs were irrationally utilized leading to poly pharmacy to overcome life threatening conditions. Now when evidence is available from multicentre international trails unnecessary use of drug should be avoided.

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