
Hao Liu41475*

The highly tissue-destructive and localized accumulation of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) makes it one of the most important cancers affecting people’s lives. Existing therapeutic approaches, including surgical treatment, chemotherapy, and Hedgehog pathway inhibitors, have failed to achieve broad therapeutic effects for various reasons. This study aims to explore additional potential therapeutic targets and possible diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers using bioinformatics analysis. The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database identified the microarray dataset GSE34535. The GEO2R tool was used to screen out Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) between BCC and non-lesional skin. Potential target genes of DE-miRNA were screened using the miRWalk, mirDIP and miRTarBase databases. Gene Ontology function and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analysis for target genes were established using the DAVID database. Protein-protein interaction network and miRNA-hub gene network were analyzed based on the STRING database and visualized by Cytoscape software. 51 up-regulated DE-miRNAs and 38 down-regulated DE-miRNAs were identified from the BCC samples. miR-455-5p was mainly up-regulated and miR-139-5p was mainly down-regulated. Two key hub genes MAPK1 and EGFR were identified in the PPI network. Four out of the ten hub genes were regulated by up-regulated miR-18a and four by down-regulated miR-133b. Viral infections were also identified in the study, which may play a role in BCC.

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