The Morphometric Analysis of the Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Off Springs of Helix Lymnaea Model


Ekhlas Sabah Hassan, Fadhaa Abdulameer Ghafil, Sahar Abdulrudha, Hussein Abdulkadhim, Israa Ktab, Murooj Luai, Rana Talib.

Background: Hydrogen peroxide free radical is a potent mutagen and teratogen that can obviously affects the color of the offspring's of the land snail Helix Lymnaea.
Aim: To assess the morphometric changes of the offspring's of the land snail Helix Lymnaea after parents exposure for H2O2 for three years.
Materials and Methods: A twenty four Helix Lymnaea snails were randomly divided into two groups (12 in each).Group A is the control whereas group B is the H2O2 test group. All were adults (4-6 weeks age) of the same size 5-7 mm length, all were hermaphrodites. The two groups were followed for three years for ten generations for different morphometric parameters
Results: There was a significant reduction in the movement score in the group treated by H2O2 in comparison with the control group 25% vs 8.3 % respectively p = 3.8, chi square = 0.8. The eating activity of the offspring's had a minute change noticed in between the two groups 95% in H2O2 exposed vs 92% in the control group. The morphometric outcomes mainly the albino offsprings were none in the control group that showed no teratogenicity in comparison with 60% in H2O2 group, p < 0.05. The rate of successful eggs hatching was significantly differed between the control and the H2O2 groups, p = 0.017. There was also an obvious difference in the mortality rate between the control and H2O2 group, however this difference was not significant p = 0.2.
Conclusion: There was a significant teratogenic effect of H2O2 on the offsprings of the snail Helix Lymnaea. This effects may extend to include different free radical producing substances.

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